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At St Peter's, we believe that maths is for everyone and that no-one should be allowed to think that they 'can't do maths'. All pupils are entitled to access the essential set of rich mathematical concepts and big ideas that will allow them to flourish and become successful and numerate adults. We understand that learning maths is like building a tower; children must have firm foundations and acquire specific building blocks in a certain order. If any of these blocks of understanding are missing (due to too-rapid acceleration or insufficient depth), then the tower is shaky and can be toppled at any time.

We are proud to be have been one of the early adopters of 'Teaching for Mastery' and have invested heavily in staff training, textbooks and resources. As well as developing maths at St Peter's, our maths leader supports other schools in her work as a Primary Maths Specialist with the Boolean Maths Hub. Our teachers have access to the very best, and most up-to-date research and training, and are continually developing their expert practice in the classroom. For more details on our mathematics pedagogy, please read our 'Teaching for Mastery' document below. We teach the National Curriculum and use 'Maths No Problem!' as our main scheme of work. 

Shanghai Exchange

In November 2018, our maths lead, Jemima Napier, visited Shanghai to observe maths teaching as part of the DfE England-China exchange. St Peter's were one of only 35 primaries in England selected to host two teachers for a fortnight in January 2019. Mrs Bai and Mrs Cheng taught amazing lessons to Dragonfly and Dandelion classes and all of the St Peter's teaching staff had opportunities to watch and to learn from these experts. We also welcomed over 400 teachers and other education professionals from schools around the region to share in this learning.

Parent videos

Click here to access parent information videos from Maths No Problem.