Vision and Values
For more than two hundred years, St Peter’s Church of England Primary School has been committed to serving the community of Portishead; it is our commitment to both protect this heritage and continuously innovate and improve so that present and future generations may also benefit from a school committed to excellence as standard.
Our Vision for Excellence as Standard is summed up in this way:
“..the excellent school is a place where people care more than others think is wise, risk more than others things is safe, dream more that others think is practical, and expect more than others think is possible…”
Roy Blatchford
Excellence in all we do - Excellence in who we are - Excellence in our service with others
St Peter's Church of England Primary School is a welcoming, inclusive family with a strong Christian ethos. We continually aim to be an excellent school where people care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others things is practical and expect more than others think is possible.
Our Aims:
Excellence in all we do: To maintain and deepen our outstanding school status by ensuring excellent outcomes for all pupil groups.
We are committed to supporting every member of our community to be the best that they can be and to achieve their God-given potential. This means that we are ambitious and aspirational for all and build a culture of hope most particularly for those who are disadvantaged in any way. We nurture strong attitudes to learning and particularly foster resilience in seeking wisdom, knowledge, truth and understanding. We also give opportunities for excellence across a rich and full curriculum including music, drama, the arts and sport.
We know too that mistakes are an important part of learning and encourage everyone to reflect, learn and start again. We also know that our knowledge is partial and incomplete and so we ensure a culture where celebration and humility go hand in hand.
Because we aim for excellence in all we do:
We enjoy learning together. We support and challenge each other to be the best we can be.
We are committed to developing every child’s potential to be an ‘expert’ by enabling children to be courageous, resilient and determined.
We create and model learning opportunities that inspire, encourage and support our pupils to achieve mastery.
Our children are empowered to develop and own their own learning with clear purpose in all they do.
We encourage constructive critique to move learning forward
Excellence in who we are: As a church school to continually challenge ourselves to value, respect and support each other to become wise, generous and hopeful individuals, community members and world-wide citizens.
Character development is a priority for us and we expect much from each individual within the school. Our Christian values are key to each child’s formation and a part of our expectation for every adults’ modelling to others. Collective worship and PSHCE focus on Christian teaching and the development of values and on how to live well for ourselves and others. Our support for a large number of charities also embed these values.
We know that part of character development is the ability to live well together in community and so we explicitly teach how to relate well to others. The pursuit of excellence is a community activity because no one person has all the knowledge and gifts that are needed and so we are also a welcoming inclusive community and educate for dignity and respect. We teach and foster these attitudes in our class and year group communities and Family Groups.
Because we aim for excellence in who we are:
We nurture relationships that are based on trust and respect, and value everyone’s contribution.
We actively seek to work in partnerships with parents and carers.
Through our partnership with Portishead Church of England, and in particular St Peter’s Parish Church we seek to enrich the lives of all in our community
Our leadership is strong and shared, leads by example, enables and motivates, and constantly strives to ensure excellence in all we do.
Excellence in our service with others: As a Teaching School and English Hub to serve others schools, leaders and teachers by supporting them to enhance pupil outcomes, enrich lives and create hopeful schools and futures for all.
As part of our commitment to educating for community and living well together we understand our responsibility to share our knowledge and resources with others for the common good.
All our children are involved in ‘Legacy Learning’ and this gives them an opportunity to make a difference to the lives of others. We also value pupil leadership and give numerous opportunities through School Council, House Captains, Librarians, Eco-Reps etc.
As a Teaching School we aim to support teachers and other schools to excel. We also contribute to the wider community and regularly deliver CPD opportunities for up to 1000 teachers per year. We also support schools via S2S support and provide ITT. We also work on a number of national projects with the DFE e.g. workload challenge projects. We aim to support and empower teachers so that they can have fulfilling and joyful careers in service.
Because we aim for excellence in our service with others:
We actively encourage a culture of innovative practice, and confidently share this knowledge with others around us.
We learn from other schools in a wide variety of networks.
Strategic Plan & Raising Achievement Plan
Our three year Strategic plan is based on our vision and can be found below.
Raising Achievement and Progress Plan
Our annual Raising Achievement Plan prioritises our areas of focus for the current year. In producing the plan account is taken of data from children’s achievement, feedback from the school community, LSP priorities and local and national priorities. A full version of the annual plan is available below.
Our Values
To help us towards our vision we embed Christian Values into our curriculum. Every term children will consider one of the following values and links will be made to their learning in other subjects: Belonging, Kindness, Friendship, Co-operation, Joy, Thankfulness, Encouragement, Truth, Compassion, Courage, Patience, Responsibility, Trust, Generosity, Forgiveness, Justice, Acceptance, Humility, Respect, Dignity and Hope.
We also actively promote the fundamental British Values of:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
These values are taught as part of our broad and balanced curriculum and specifically through Religious Education and PSHCE. We also foster these values through a variety of different activities in school e.g. Collective Worship, Our School Council, House Captains, discussion of current affairs and our Behaviour for Learning policy.